Friday, March 27, 2015

Fashion Friday 3/27/15 - Product Review

Happy Friday! I have some exciting things to share today! I received my first VoxBox from Influenster, which offers free product samples in exchange for people like me, Juliana, and Alex to test them and share reviews on our social media outlets! My XO VoxBox arrived a couple of weeks ago and I've been so busy that I haven't been able to post about it, but now I finally have a moment to do just that! So here's my first product review:

All my products!
I received so many amazing samples in this VoxBox! Tide Pods with Febreeze, John Frieda Luxurious Volume Treatment and Beach Blonde Collection, Skin Fix Hand Repair Cream, and Colgate Optic White Toothpaste and Toothbrush with Built-In Whitening Pen. Below is a close-up photo of each product and my thoughts!

Colgate Optic White Toothpaste:

I've been wanting to whiten my teeth for years. I tried strips and mouthwashes with little satisfaction, but this toothpaste is great. It really does whiten in just three days like the tube says! So long as you brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes each time you can have some gorgeous pearly whites sooner than you think!

Colgate Optic White Toothbrush with Built-In Whitening Pen:

Combine this with the Optic White toothpaste and you'll see even whiter teeth than with just the toothpaste. The toothbrush is the right level of firmness and the waved pattern of the bristles really leaves your teeth feeling clean. The Whitening Pen is so easy to use and it only takes a couple of seconds to adhere to your teeth, then you're go!

Tide Pods with Febreeze:

My clothes smell amazing and look wonderfully clean! I just keep sniffing my clothes because they smell so fresh. I've always been a fan of Tide but I was hesitant to use the Pods because it feels more like a dishwater detergent pack than something to use on my clothes, but I think I'm hooked now that I've tried these!

SkinFix Hand Repair Cream:

My hands feel silky smooth after using this! Just what they needed after a long, cold, dry winter!

I have not used the John Frieda products yet, but I plan to start the Luxurious Volume Treatment tomorrow. I'm holding on to the Beach Blonde Treatment for a couple, I'm not blonde, and two, it seems to be more of summer product so I'm going to use it then!

I'm so excited to have had the opportunity to test these products and I hope to have many more reviews to share with you in the future!


I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes. 

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