Thursday, March 26, 2015

When Its Been a Month

When it has been a month since your last blog post, you know you have one of four problems:
Relay for Life
1) You are super busy
2) You are super lazy
3) You've fallen off track
4) Any combination of the above

I have been face-to-face with the fourth problem. If I'm not busy, I'm lazy, and both of those options have lead me to falling off track with some of my commitments, blogging being one of them. I was able to keep up with my daily devotional readings until I went away to a conference and now getting back into my normal routine is a struggle. But every minute is a new chance, right? So I'm starting to get back on track with a blog post!

So what's been going on with me over the past month? I just got back from four straight days of interviewing for jobs, followed by a few more days attending a conference for my field. I had a great time and I am so excited to hear back from the places I am hoping to work at one day! Before that I was planning a celebration for my school's president as he handed over the reigns. We had a lot of snow days over our "Spring Break" so my laziness really kicked in there. Then I was getting ready for Relay for Life and my conference and now I'm back trying to find a groove again. My month in a nutshell.

One of the suits I wore for interviews!
I know what you're thinking, "You haven't talked about your faith yet! Isn't that kind of the point?" You are absolutely right! I literally just finished meeting with the Deacon who is teaching our RCIA class to catch up on the lesson I missed while I was gone. Over the last two weeks we did an in-depth exploration of the Ten Commandments and I am looking forward to reflecting on these as I prepare for my very first Confession experience this week!

There are about 17 days left until the Mass of Divine Mercy, where I and my peers will receive the sacraments and come into full communion with the church! I hope between now and then (and after) I will keep up with my blogging for you!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and thanksgiving, make your requests known to God" ~Philippians 4:6


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