Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Trifecta of Signs

So I left my last post off with a bit of a cliffhanger (in the least suspenseful way possible), but I would not have done any of the following stories justice by squeezing them into the end of a post! The week before I mustered up enough courage to ask about entering the RCIA program, I had a wonderful trio of signs that pushed me to visit the Campus Ministry Office - and to keep trying even when I kept missing the person I needed to get in touch with for the program!

Sign #1
Monday: One of my best friends, J, came over to my apartment and through a random turn of events, left her ring behind. I did not really think much of it at the time, but I put the ring on so I would not lose it before I could get it back to her.
A picture of my friend's ring that I borrowed

Tuesday: My world became one giant ball of ridiculous, crazy fiascoes. I felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff, about to reach my breaking point when I looked down at my hand and read the inscription on the ring: "If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it." Suddenly my mood was lifted and I knew that through these situations, God was helping me to build up my wealth of experiences, as well as my strength to handle difficult situations.

Throughout the rest of that very difficult week, every time I felt like I could not handle one more thing being thrown at me, I would look down at that ring and remember that God was with me through everything and he would give me the strength to make it through anything else in my path.

                                                                            Sign #2
My rose for the Feast Day of St. Therese of Lisieux
Wednesday: The Feast Day of St. Therese of Lisieux, a.k.a. the feast day of the favorite saint of two of my best friends! My other friend, Liv and I went to the evening mass and the gospel reading from Luke had a line in it that goes something like this: "You, follow me!" spoken by Jesus to a man on the side of the road. At this point I had already been contemplating talking to the Campus Ministry Office about RCIA, so I felt like this moment was God calling me to follow through on that.

Unfortunately, the person I needed to speak to was not there the first three times I stopped by and I quickly took that as a sign in the opposite direction...

Sign #3
Sunday: I went to noon mass with J. During the week I had been looking online to find a ring of my own and I really loved one that had Philippians 4:6 (Be not anxious) on it. On our way to mass I was explaining this to J, so when we sat down at mass and the second reading began "Be not anxious..." we both went crazy! The one verse that had most appealed to me the week before just happened to be one of the readings for mass! I may or may not have shed a few tears in this moment because it was such a moving experience.
A view of my beautiful mountain chapel <3

So of course I took that as another sign to hang in there. I waited (not very patiently) for a few days for the coordinator of RCIA to return to campus. Upon her return, I dug up my last bit of courage on the matter and headed to her office. She was so ecstatic about my interest in RCIA that she hugged me several times! Tomorrow I meet with her to catch up on what I've missed so far and then I'll officially be on this new journey!

Be not anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. ~Philippians 4:6


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