Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Wellness Wheel

My job is probably one of the greatest things I have in my life. Every day I get to work with college students, specifically the twenty-some Resident Assistants that I supervise. As part of my job, I facilitate activities for my staff to aide in their personal and professional development and this week I had them do an activity called The Wellness Wheel. The purpose of a Wellness Wheel is to help people figure out their life balance in six different categories of wellness: physical, spiritual, environmental/occupational (this category varies), social, emotional and intellectual.

The Wellness Wheel
I listed several statements under each category and asked my staff to color in the corresponding pieces of the wheel to the degree they think the statement is accurate for them. For example, under the "Physical" category, a sample statement might be "I eat a balance and nutritional diet" and the student would color in the "Physical" section of the wheel as much as they feel they accomplish the statements. It is a really awkward thing to explain, especially in writing, so hopefully that makes at least some sense.

I decided that out of fairness to my staff members, I couldn't ask them to do The Wellness Wheel if I did not also do it. I filled out the physical section (I really need to have a better diet) and moved on to the spiritual section. As I was reading the statements, I realized that I only agreed with the belief statements, not the statements about spiritual or faith-based action. So I decided to come up with 4 things to help me remain active in my faith throughout the week.

#1: Pray before every meal - My family never really prayed before a meal unless it was for a holiday meal with the extended family. Thanking God before every meal is a nice and simple way to incorporate faithful actions into every day.

#2: Read and reflect on the daily readings - There are so many great phone apps that will provide you with the daily readings for mass just in case you can't make it. On
One of the little things I'm thankful for
top of that, some of them will even have reflection questions for you to consider after you do the reading.

#3: Go to a chapel - Sitting at home isn't always the easiest place to focus on a conversation with God. There are so many distractions like TV, computers, puzzles, etc. that can keep you from truly devoting yourself to talking to Him. Visiting a quiet space can help you really focus on that conversation.

#4: Find something small to be thankful for each day - A pleasant interaction with someone, a beautiful sunrise, playing with a cute animal, it doesn't matter what it is, just appreciate it, love it and thank God for it!

So we are always courageous, although we know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight.
~ 2 Corinthians 5:6-7



  1. when this came up on my feed I didn't even realize it was you!! I instantly clicked on the link because I was about to comment "oh my gosh my supervisor literally just did this with our staff this week and we loved it" hahaha! Great post :)

    1. Hahaha! Thanks, Alex! I'm glad you guys found that activity helpful!
