Wednesday, February 18, 2015

It's Lent!

Looking back at my recent posts, I realized I have been pretty much MIA for the past ten or so days, sincerest apologies...I have been traveling, trying to balance tasks, and figuring out what commitments in my life need to take a backseat so I can make other things (like my blog) higher on my priority list. Enough of my excuses though!

Some books I'll be reading during my Lenten reflection time!
Lent is here! It seems like just yesterday I was experiencing Advent for the first time, but now we've arrived at a beautiful season of sacrifice, prayer, and almsgiving - not to mention this is the ultimate countdown for someone in RCIA!

Typically the common conversation among Catholics at this time of year contains statements like "What are you giving up for Lent?" or "Gosh I wish I could have coffee" (coffee = whatever other item a person has given up as their sacrifice for the season). We are all so nosy. We want to know what everyone else is giving up and share what we are giving up.

The message in the daily readings, homily, and Lenten Reflection book at my university (compiled and edited by J) all explained an important concept that is all too easily forgotten at this time of year. Our sacrifice during Lent is between us and God. We should not be walking around wearing our
The Lenten Reflection book J edited!
sacrifice like a badge of honor. The purpose of making a sacrifice during Lent is to reconcile ourselves with God in light of our sins and show him that we still love and follow him.

Any sacrifice should be done with love, as a personal connection between you and God. There are only two beings in the entire world who know your faults deeply enough to understand the meaning of your sacrifice, you and God. Keep your sacrifice a precious secret between you and God and it will make the sacrifice all the more meaningful to you - plus it will create a lot of accountability for you to follow through!

My countdown!
Completely unrelated...I have recently begun to use a countdown app on my phone in order to keep track of how many days left until I receive the sacraments of confirmation and communion. In just about 53 days I will officially be a member of the Catholic Church! Typically RCIA participants will receive sacraments on Easter Sunday, but since I am going through the school for my classes and we are closed for the Easter holiday, I will be waiting until the following Sunday!

"All acts between man and God are necessarily dependent upon a relationship of love. Therefore, the reality of fasting is an act of love" ~Dean Eric Bolek, Mount St. Mary's Lenten Reflection Book

"When you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you may not appear to be fasting, except to your Father, who is hidden." ~Matthew 6:17-18b


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